If you utilize scissor lifts on a daily basis, you need to ensure proper charging. After all, if the scissor lifts aren't charged properly, your work comes to a standstill. Unfortunately, if your scissor lifts lose their charge while people are onboard, you'll also have a serious safety risk on your hands. Here are four ways to ensure proper charging for your scissor lifts.
Keep the Battery Banks Clean
When it comes to caring for the charging system on your scissor lifts, the most important thing you can do is clean the battery banks. Dirt, debris and moisture can build up inside the battery banks. When that happens, you'll be putting your charging system at risk. First, dirt and moisture can cause surface discharge on your batteries. Second, dirt and moisture can reduce the charge time on your batteries, which reduces the amount of work you can accomplish between charges. At least once a week, clean your battery banks to keep the moisture and debris under control.
Conduct Weekly Amp-Draw Tests
If you're not conducting weekly amp-draw tests, you're missing out on an opportunity to care for your charging system. You need to know the amp-draw capacity on each of your scissor lift batteries. The best way to do that is to purchase carbon pile battery testers from your local automotive parts store. Your battery tester will allow you to conduct the necessary amp-draw tests, as needed.
Test the Charging Ports
When you use scissor lifts on a daily basis, you need to keep the batteries charged. Unfortunately, with all the use, your charging ports can wear out quickly. When that happens, your batteries won't charge properly. To avoid problems like that, test the charging ports on your scissor lift batteries at least once a month. You can test the charging ports by connecting your batteries to chargers at least twice a month. Your battery charger will let you know if the ports are working properly. When you find a battery that's no longer charging properly, replace it as soon as possible.
Invest in Multiple Battery Chargers
When it comes to keeping your batteries full-charged, it's important to have a sufficient supply of battery chargers. A good rule of thumb is to have at least one charger for each scissor lift in your equipment corral. It's also a good idea to keep at least one spare on hand. That way, you always have a backup should one of your chargers fail.
Contact a battery service, like Quick Charge Corporation, for more help.